Byron Bird Buddies Shorebird Monitoring - Brunswick River
Byron Bird Buddies monitoring activities are generally program driven within the Byron Shire. The group conducts regular monitoring for all avifauna species at two Byron Shire Council Sewerage Treatment Plant sites, Byron Wetlands and Vallances Road at Mullumbimby as well as for WetlandCare Australia at the Brunswick Heads Saltmarsh. Our members conduct regular shorebird counts at five different locations guided by the Birdlife Shorebird 2020 project. The locations are: Belongil Estuary, Byron Wetlands, the north side of the Brunswick River known as Marshalls Creek, the southside of the river known as the Saltmarsh and at Vallances Road. Members also participate in the 2020 Shorebird count around Ballina.
BBB does not organise regular birdwatching field trips in Byron Shire however the Brunswick Valley Birdwatchers, BirdLife Northern Rivers and BirdLife Gold Coast conduct regular field trips to a number of Shire sites. BBB members often assist with these surveys. Byron Bay Cruises & Kayaks, also conducts regular surveys of the Brunswick River as part of their river cruise experience and individual members conduct survey in their backyards and surrounds. BBB maintains records of these observations for the Shire.
Some BBB members are Atlassers for BirdLife Australia.
Email or call 0428864378 to register