Community Weeding Workshop - Torakina Park, Brunswick Heads

Do you love Torakina Reserve? Have you noticed the weeds getting out of control at Torakina Reserve? Come along to a community weeding workshop where we'll teach you how to identify two or three of the top weeds and how to best remove them (be there by 9am to learn this). We'll be working as a community to reduce the weed load in Torakina Park for a couple of hours. Then join us for a FREE community BBQ. Please register for catering purposes. Brunswick Valley Landcare, Byron Bird Buddies and other stallholders will be there on the day to provide information on environmental restoration. Please wear boots, long pants and sleeves, sunscreen and insect repellant and a hat. Please bring water, a keep cup and also a digging tool. I believe ground asparagus is easy to remove using a fork or a knife. Limited trowels will be available. Supported by Reflections, Brunswick Heads Progress Association, Brunswick Nature Sculpture Walk, CWA and Rotary. We look forward to seeing you there