Mangrove Planting Day

Celebrate World Mangrove Day with us next Friday! We need volunteers to help us plant mangrove seeds at our restoration site on the Brunswick River. You may have seen small green pods floating in the river or washed up on the shore - these are Grey Mangrove seeds that are ready to be planted!

The Details:

  • When: Friday, July 26 8 am - 9:30 am
  • Where: Brunswick River, Mullumbimby NSW
  • What to bring: Shoes that can get muddy and a willingness to learn a new skill!

Please note, as we don't want to damage the river bank we are limiting this event to 10 people.

Why are we planting mangroves?

  • They protect shores from erosion, buffering storm energy and binding sediment together with their roots and structures.
  • They provide critical habitat to fish, crustaceans and birds
  • They can store up to five times as much organic carbon as tropical upland forests!

How to sign up? Click here -

This project is supported by the Foundation for Regional and Rural Recovery (FRRR).